Global Fund is a public-private multi-billion-dollar international financing partnership established in 2002 with the objective of providing performance-based grant funding to assist countries in the fight against HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria by dramatically increasing the availability of funding. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing. It is thus a financial instrument, not an implementing entity. It relies on local stakeholders at the country- level to implement programmes and manage grants. In Zimbabwe the Global Fund activities are coordinated by the Country Coordinating Mechanism through,
- Local Fund Agent
- Principal Recipient
- Sub Recipient
- Sub Sub-Recipient
National AIDS Council (NAC) is a Sub-Recipient for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) program with Plan International and ZACH as Sub-Sub Recipient (SSR). Currently Zimbabwe has received funds to support AGYW activities from January 2021 to December 2023, NAC and its SSRs are implementing the project entitled “Towards ending AIDS as a Public Health Threat by 2030”. This project is locally tagged as Modified DREAMS program for AGYW, targeting Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) aged 9-24 years. The AGYW project is funded by the Global Fund targeting AGYW in hot spot districts who are vulnerable and at higher risk of contracting HIV and AIDS. The project’s focus is on providing Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) education and sexual gender based violence survivors with information and services. The project is strategically designed to complement Government of Zimbabwe (GOZ) priorities towards ending AIDS by 2030 and is aligned to the Zimbabwe National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (ZNASP) 2020-2025, National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR) strategy 2020-2025 and National Gender Policy among other key instruments. The AGYW program has six components which are the
Sister to Sister
Male engagement
School based interventions
SASA Model
One Stop Centre (OSC)
AGYW Accountability Framework.
NAC is implementing the Sister to Sister and Male engagement programs in 25 HIV hot spot districts within it is targeting saturation in 4 out of the 25 districts, Plan International is implementing school- based interventions in 4 districts while ZACH is implementing One Stop Centre covering 4 districts. In addition, ZACH is also implementing SASA in 6 districts.