World AIDS Day Commemoration 2020

Apr 7, 2021 | 0 comments

World AIDS Day is commemorated on 1 December each year. It is a day specifically set aside to raise awareness, commemorate those who have passed on, call for action in the national response to HIV and celebrate successes which have been achieved in accessing HIV prevention and management services.

In Zimbabwe the campaign is coordinated by NAC in multi sectoral approach with the hosting of the event done on Provincial rotational basis.

 WAD Theme
The Global World AIDS Campaign theme was localized to GLOBAL SOLIDARITY SHARED RESPONSIBILITY ENDING AIDS BY 2030.

01 December 2020

This year the WAC is being coordinated and hosted by NAC HQ office.

Harare International Conference Centre

The organization coordinated World AIDS Campaign pre launch activities which were mainly virtual in line with COVID-19 prevention and management guidelines and policies. The following activities are being conducted upto 1 December 2020.

WAD Logo and Theme Song
The WAD logo and Theme song was launched on the 24th of November 2020 during a livestreamed webinar  press conference on NAC, Heart and Soul social media platforms

Webinar Live Streaming
The organization is coordinating daily webinar live streaming events from the 24th – 30 November 2020. The webinars are being livestreamed from 1430-1530 daily on NAC and Heart and Soul social media platform with panelists and discussion topics being drawn from various HIV and AIDS sectors.

Arts Live Streaming
The organization coordinated the recording of various acts by the ARTS industry with technical support from National Arts Council. The acts include music, dance, drama, spoken word and virtual arts. The recorded acts will be live streamed on NAC and Heart and Soul social media platforms from 27th November 2020 to 1 December 2020.  The live streaming will be from 1900-2000hrs